walkertina8 21st May 2014

It is lovely to see that an old primary school photo has popped up on your face book site, you all look so lovely in the photo, I can hear you now saying OMG. I remember you at Spinfield Primary School like it was yesterday, It did make me cry but at the same time I had to smile because the memories of you are amazing. Yes I am still heartbroken, I won't see you leave home and have your own family and of course I miss your wicked sense of humour and you having an answer for everything, especially when your consultant ballsed up at the J.R Hospital, Your were a better person that I am, you were very forgiving and tolerant of a lot of things, I still can't be like that, and won't be for many years to come, but it is nice to be able to watch your friends grow into mature adults. One day the pain of losing you might ease but at the moment it still bloody hurts. I miss you so much and would give any thing to have you back, Love you so much princess xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :(